Instagram and Skerries

instagram-and-skerries-in-skerries-news-nov-2016Q: So what is this now, Instagram???? Can’t people just share their pictures on Facebook?

A: Well, you go to Instagram to see good, interesting, fascinating, beautiful, handsome, intriguing, happiness-inducing images – mainly shot with a smart phone, and practically always square. You share them – normally not with anybody in particular, but with anybody who is looking. Whereas on Facebook you share pictures with family and friends mainly.
Or, as Instagram puts it: “Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever.”

Q: How would people even know those pictures are there, then?

A: When you publish a picture on Instagram, you usually write a short text, a comment – and in that text, you can include special keywords. You use the Hashtag (#) to mark those keywords. For example, if you upload a picture of our beach you might add #skerries #beach #fingal

Q: And then you can search for those hashtags?

A: Precisely. You can also search for locations or for users. You can follow users, and then you will see their posts in your feed – just as users who follow you, see your pictures in their feed.

Q: Is this a new thing?

A: By internet standards, not really. It was launched in October 2010; by April 2012, it had over 100 million active users, and now there are over 500 million active accounts. Oh, and it was bought by Facebook just over four years ago.

Q: And why would people want to share images on Instagram?

A: If you like taking pictures with your phone, then Instagram is a very handy way of sharing them. The app is easy to use, and you can make your picture look very impressive through a number of filters and edit options. (Some people like to make a point of NOT using filters – and they publish their pics with the hashtag #nofilter. Yes, that’s a thing!)
Other users can “like” your images (by double-tapping on them in the app) and also comment on them. And of course it’s great if one of your images gets lots of likes! Though I can’t always tell why one pic gets more “likes” than another. Food seems to do particularly well, by the way.

Q: Sounds like something restaurants could use…

A: Indeed, and delis and cafés and farmers’ market stall holders! And arts & crafts people and artists. And of course photographers. You’ll see a lot of familiar names in the Skerries Instagram List I’ve compiled for you! By the way, the younger the Instagramer, the more selfies they seem to post.

Q: Are there any celebrities on Instagram?

A: Loads. Search for your favourites yourself!

Q: Maybe you could show us some local examples?

A: Indeed. Too many words already for an article about such a visual medium!

The Incomplete Skerries Instagram List, in alphabetical order

– I’m sure I’ve missed some, please let me know which ones!


Good mix of marketing pictures and impressions of Skerries harbour. Lovely food shots. And pics of very enticing-looking cocktails. Over 2,800 followers!
Not as active on Instagram as Blue, Boxx do have some lovely food shots, too. And if you haven’t been to this health-food café at the monument yet, you can see what it looks like on their Instagram page.

Gorgeous, gorgeous food photography. And the odd sunset over Skerries Harbour. A new account, and one I hope will continue as it started. That chocolate fondant…

Fantastic pictures by Skerries-based photographer Daniel Geesen.
Some samples of the work of professional photographic artist Denise Cannon, based in Skerries. Not a very active account (yet), but gives you a good flavour of her work.

fifty4skerries (restaurant and pizzeria)
Close-ups of pizzas and other Italian food. Appetising.

Stylish photographs of their wares, impressions of this new interior design shop in Skerries Harbour, and the odd saying, such as “Life is too short to have ugly cushions on your couch.”

Karen Wilson posts images of her paintings, of her gallery in the Skerries Mills Courtyard, and her exhibitions. If you’re interested in art, follow her!

Clionadh regularly posts elegant photographs of the tasteful homewares and gifts she stocks in her “home and gift boutique” in Skerries Mills Courtyard.


Local author and illustrator, creator of Henry Hugglemonster, offers insights into her creative work. And views of Skerries & other places!

Olive post a mix of pics from the Café and deli, and shots of their wares and foods. Recently they’ve started creating collages (more objects in one post, I guess, though personally I prefer single-picture Instagrams).

One of my favourite Instagram accounts. Such beautiful food images… Orla, the Cook for Life cookery tutor, regularly runs demonstrations in her kitchen in Skerries Rocks, and her Instagram posts showcase the  food she is preparing for them.

More active in the summer, when the folks from Skerries-based Outdoor Dublin are out and about with SUP, kayaks, surfboards etc.

The Skerries painter and sculptor made frequent Instagram posts about two years ago, and I seriously hope he’ll revive this great way of sharing his work.

More amazing food photography, both of the finished product and of the process that gets the ingredients to look (and taste) awesome. Deserves more followers!

Showcasing their work, mainly in classy cream designs.

Regular posts with info about music events in Rockabill Restaurant, as well as polished food pictures.

Another active account with mesmerising food photography. The recent #instameet Instagram visitors to Skerries had lunch there, and you can see a couple of related posts. Nicely done, Seasons!

Sharon Johnston has only started to use Instagram for her DécorBySharon brand and interior design, but if her first three posts are anything to go by, this will be an account worth following!

Sarah O’Kelly showcases both her lovely little shop in the Skerries Mills Courtyard and her wares very tastefully in her Instagram account. Well worth the follow, even though she hasn’t been as active recently.

The gym in Kelly’s Bay uses its Instagram account to share motivational and / or funny memes and sayings, like: “The only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.”


Our local “Garden Boutique” posts images of (you guessed it) flowers every couple of weeks. Beautiful bouquets, single blooms, a lovely mix.

Oh, and I thought you’d never ask – yes, I do have an Instagram account, too!


An image a day, if I manage at all. The sea & Skerries feature a lot.
