Want to keep up with what’s happening in Skerries? Be on Facebook!
You can, of course, enjoy Facebook for seeing what your friends and family share, and for sharing your own thoughts, pictures, and opinions with them. Many people enjoy this part of Facebook. Others prefer not to. Either way, Facebook has evolved into a platform that is about much more than that perfect cappuccino you just had, or your favourite holiday haunt. It’s become part of the fabric of our local community. And that can be a brilliant thing!
If you have been reluctant to join Facebook so far, I would advise you to think again, and here are five reasons why – all from a Skerries point of view.
One. Fancy going to a play, a gig, a movie? See what’s on.
Skerries Theatre Group, Raff’s On The Corner, Blue Bar, Rockabill Film Society…
Two. See what’s happening in the community.
Skerries Community Association. Skerries Tidy Towns. Skerries Town Twinning. Skerries Adopt A Beach. To name just the first five that come to mind. And of course Skerries News!
Three. Try a new hobby or activity? There are quite a few to be found on Facebook!
Millhill Ladies Badminton Club. Skerries Camera Club. Skerries Chess Club. Skerries frosties (swimming). Skerries Watersports Academy. Skerries Women’s Volleyball Club. Yoganamara. And many, many more.
Four. Shop local!
Wisteria Skerries. Aidan O’Brien Butchers. Chic Boutique. Greg Reddins. Skerries Bookshop, Red Island Wine Company. All hairdressers, as far as I can tell. Delis. Restaurants.
The shops in Skerries Mills Courtyard, like Karen Wilson Art and The Stash Cupboard. The list would go on and on!
And five: Know what’s on for kids, too.
Many schools have Facebook pages, many parents’ association have Facebook groups.
MSPA (Moore school of performing arts), Needles & Pins, Skerries ArtSchool, Skerries Cookie Club.
The beauty of Facebook is that you don’t HAVE to see all this – just what YOU are interested in.
And this is just the start, I haven’t even gone near information about local attractions like Skerries Mills or Ardgillan Castle, local artists & writers, or local services! There are loads more of voluntary / charitable / community organisations, certainly worth a full column in their own right. Fingal County Council, the local libraries, the met office… all of those have information available online – at times useful, at times colourful, and sometimes both.
Once you’ve joined Facebook, all you need to do is search for Skerries!
Insider Tip: – You will not automatically see everything posted by a page you follow. If you want to make sure you don’t miss a thing, you need to tell Facebook. You can do that by going into the page, and hovering over the “Liked” button. Then go to “Posts in News Feed” and “Notifications.”
This post first appeared in Skerries News, Dec 1-14, 2015, p. 33.